The internet comes from a gigantic building in the United States, which houses a massive memory repository. Cables stretch to Europe, America, Africa, Japan, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, and Iraq. And so, actions originate from a building in the U.S., with each wire leading to a different country around the world—all interconnected.
For example, your messages and photos on Facebook or WhatsApp, when separated from the producer, Haftkrathnertcon, exist within that colossal memory repository in the U.S. That giant storehouse is a small slice of the internet. If you’re in the UK, you can talk to someone in Russia.
Humans also have memory, which functions like a computer. You can think, calculate, or understand something, and all of this happens through the computer within you and your vast memory. There’s a body dedicated to what we call the “mental body.”
Your mental body is invisible to the limits of your eyes, but it exists, and it is the part of you that understands this post now. Your mental body is a very powerful computer; no one can fully comprehend its potential. It also houses an incredible memory—not just containing every moment you live in this life, but memories from all your previous incarnations.
So, if you have an incarnation from a thousand or even twenty thousand years ago, everything you did then is stored in the memory of your mental body. These aren’t just memories; they include every experience you’ve lived through, everything you’ve learned. Every lesson, every situation you’ve encountered with someone, every understanding you’ve gained—every meaning, experience, and insight resides in your mental body.
The patterns and models of events, or how you interact with others, how you think, etc., are countless examples. Your mental body encompasses all of these. The patterns of certain behaviors are activated when needed in specific situations.
The Anunnaki are experts; they introduced things that interfere with your mental capabilities. Like a water pipe with a valve installed to block the flow, preventing us from having superintelligence and control over our thoughts to free ourselves from the mental imprisonment within.
The Anunnaki implanted these mental barriers long ago. These obstacles can only be overcome as you approach your soul. Even your parents cannot intervene, as the law of free will prevents it. That is why it awaits you to make the effort to call upon it through calmness and love.
Whenever you enter a state of calmness and forgive yourself, you draw closer to your soul and your higher self. Through this, your higher self gains greater power to remove the obstacles the Anunnaki placed in your mental body. Now, as you read this post, ask your higher self with conscious intent and determination to heal you and remove the greatest obstacles in your body placed by the Anunnaki.
The Anunnaki are, in fact, a dynasty of extraterrestrial beings from an unknown planet, Nibiru, who arrived on Earth around 500,000 years ago to mine gold. The Anunnaki genetically engineered humans to create modern humans, designed to serve as their slaves.
The Anunnaki were forced to leave Earth when the Antarctic glaciers melted, causing Noah’s flood, which also destroyed their bases on Earth. They had to rebuild, and the rulers, needing more help for this enormous effort, taught humans agriculture.
The Anunnaki built the pyramids and all the other archaeological structures in the world, which ancient astronaut theorists argue couldn’t have been built without advanced technology—technology left behind by the Anunnaki. These strange hybrids of humans, some of whom may still exist today, are their legacy.